Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If the punishment for telling a lie would be removal of your tongue would silence reign? Would that be a welcome change or a tragedy?
Lies don't come from the tongue, they come from the mind. Burning the book doesn't silence the writer. They simply find a different means of conveying their lies. The tongue is but a tool that conveys what's in the heart of a person. Lies and deceit or love and affection. To silence their lies, one must first change their heart.
Destroying all the presses makes printing books impossible. You cannot stop a mind from thinking what it thinks or a heart from being heartless. You can stop a mouth from speaking. Just as chopping off the hands of thieves will never change their insides it would make stealing far less likely. Hearts are not changed from without. Only from within. It takes wanting to change to make it happen not forcing. Folks have tried to change minds and hearts by example or by peaceful protest and mostly it doesn't work. Removing weapons from the hands of those who want to murder makes murder harder. There are knives and bows and arrows and poisons and injections and bare hands. Take away hands. How does a handless person murder? By words? The ugly hate remains within but the ability to activate the hate becomes much less possible. I guess we disagree. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Monday. How do you change the hearts and the minds of those who still think donjohn is wonderful? Or the minds and hearts of racists? If you can YOU deserve the Nobel Peace Prize!
This post was edited by RosieG at August 27, 2018 9:55 AM MDT