Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The degree to which those you didn't know mourn your passing is the degree to which your life was lived well. Agree/dis/abstain?

The degree to which those you didn't know mourn your passing is the degree to which your life was lived well. Agree/dis/abstain?

It means you were a success. Not only by your standards but by those of countless people you will never know! WAY TO GO!

Posted - August 27, 2018


  • 46117
    I try to be a good person. I am pretty sure I will have one or two people who even know who I am by the time I pass.  I don't stand on ceremony.  I won't throw a party nor request anyone to do so.  Cremate me and throw my ashes in the Ganges.  

    I hope that I have affected people in a warm and kind way.  I hope it somehow inspires them to be better or have a better day.  Any small thing that I have contributed does not need any resounding accolades. I just may be one of the most misunderstood creatures alive.  Who cares.

    It's not honors I am seeking.  It is getting closer to God.  It is always getting closer to God that is my only desire.   And I wish that for every living thing.

      August 27, 2018 10:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Very beautiful graphic  Sharon for which I thank you. The countless children that donjohn has harmed will add to the baggage he drags with him. Thank you for a thoughtful answer. We can never know how we have affected other people. We might give a stranger a word of encouragement when it was most needed and that person will always remember us as we remember those who have done the same for us. If you think positive things about someone say so. Tell them. Don't hold back. You never know when YOU will be the reason someone hung in and survived and thrived. :)
      August 28, 2018 4:03 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Disagree.  Only people who feel the loss truly mourn and they soon get over it.  Or they should.  Most people just want to give the illusion that they care to impress others for whatever reason.  Life belongs to the living and goes on without you. 
      August 28, 2018 4:53 AM MDT