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Who Is Dr. Drew, and Why Should He (Or We) Be So Concerned About Hillary's Health?

This is starting to get tedious.  If there were anything seriously wrong with Hillary, I think we'd know by now.  Sure, based on my vast knowledge of all things medical (obtained at K-Mart; Blue-Light Special), I think she has epilepsy, but that in itself doesn't necessarily disqualify her from being prez.

Seriously, conservatives. This dog won't hunt.

Dr. Drew “Gravely Concerned” About Hillary Clinton’s Health

Posted - August 17, 2016


  • He's a TV personality who happens to be a doctor. He must do or say things that will keep viewers tuning in.
      August 17, 2016 2:52 PM MDT

  • 2758

    I believe it!

    Look, I don't like the Hildebeast for a ton of reasons having nothing to do with her health, but this is just...hell, I said it best the first time: tedious.

      August 17, 2016 2:53 PM MDT

  • 7939

    He's a psychiatrist and an internist. He got his start with the media on Love Line, as I recall. I remember listening to it on the radio when I was a teen. I do remember him advising people who called in on bothe a medical and mental health perspective. Following that, he became heavily involved with MTV's Teen Mom/ Teen Mom 2. I think in this respect, he's primarily there as a psychiatrist. 

    I listened to the interview posted and what he says makes sense. There are a lot of celebrity doctors that jump on the bandwagon when a another celeb is going through something and they try to get their name back into things that way- Dr. Phil does that. I don't think I've seen Dr. Drew do that, though. It sounds like he's saying she has hyperthyroidism and the doctor treating her is giving her the wrong meds. He says she's being treated by a doctor she grew up with or has known for a while, from Arkansas. That makes sense, too. A lot of high-profile people seek out long-term friends for their care, but maybe that was a bad idea here, because she's not getting the best treatment possible.  So, if she becomes president, hopefully she'll find a new physician to help her manage her condition, which isn't overly serious by itself. The treatment she's getting for it is making it worse.

    But, she did have a fall as well, and Dr. Drew said that wearing prism glasses after suggests she has "brain damage"... and while prism glasses are used when someone has vision trouble after a fall, I think this bit is sensationalized. The brain is compartmentalized and it's "plastic." If you damage something associated with vision or with balance, it doesn't necessarily affect your cognition. And, damage to any area of the brain can heal or grow new pathways to reconnect damaged areas, or another area of the brain can even pick up slack. So, falling and wearing prism glasses after means nothing in my book. 

    Epilepsy? Meh. I think she's fatigued. Stress and fatigue can cause everything else that has been mentioned, from memory stuff to odd behavior. The second video on the page you linked remarked that she was taking weekends off, as if it was a bad thing and meant that her body couldn't keep up with working every day. Holy cow. Now that is a stretch. People need down time or they become fatigued messes. Anyone who disagrees with that has never pushed himself to the limit or is in denial. Just look up productivity research. We do our best at about 40 hours. Shortly after that, we become so sluggish that the extra hours don't matter because we're ineffective. Keep pushing it and you start to display all kinds of bizarre behavior. 

    She may have something else going on, but I don't think it's anything serious, though maybe, if I put on my conspiracy theorist hat, she could have another condition and that's why her physician gave her an oddball drug cocktail. Maybe he picked things that could treat both conditions, so the other one didn't become known. Even if she became seriously ill and couldn't stay in office, we have a line of succession. I don't think losing a president would cause a huge issue in the US. I guess maybe I'd be more concerned if we were putting Clinton up against a "stellar" candidate, in which case we'd be losing something by voting in a sick president. She's going against Trump. I'd take a brain damaged, epileptic, or otherwise ill Hillary over Trump any day. (Though my vote is for Parkinson's, if a diagnosis comes out later.) 

      August 17, 2016 3:52 PM MDT

  • 2758

    Excellent analysis.  I would add, though, that a fad psychologist hardly seems eminently qualified to render neurological diagnoses. (I've never put much stock in the opinions of radio or TV doctors.)

    As for your choice of presidential contenders, let's just say us libertarians are screwed either way. :-)

      August 17, 2016 4:21 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Dr. Drew is a reality show talk show doctor.  It is in his best interest to insert his opinion as a physician, psychiatrist, doctor type who really is just like any other man on earth.  Or human, I should say.   He has opinions.  Many of them are valid.  Many of them are based simply on his diagnosis.  Diagosis?  Informed opinion with the accent heavily on OPINION.

    I would much rather get it from the horse's mouth and why are you so focused on her health.  Worry about the mental health of that other candidate who probably has genes of steel to match his mind of butter. 

    He is the one to focus on, not her.  She is smart enough to take care of herself.  She has REAL doctors.

    This man is just making crap up as he goes.  It's a JOKE by now. 

      August 17, 2016 4:25 PM MDT

  • 7939

    Haha. I think we're all screwed either way.

    Dr. Drew is an internist, too, but you mostly hear him talk about the psychological aspects of things. He's a doctor and knows medicine, not just mental healthcare. 

      August 17, 2016 5:01 PM MDT