Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Y'all already know the drill. If trumpicans lose DA GUY will tell you the election was rigged. He sez GOOGLE is rigged against him. Do you?
With all the newspapers, magazines, television, online news venues, professional sports, the DOJ, the FBI, porn stars, commentators, agitators, instigators, regulators, the courts, inquiries, The Enquirer, people needing pacifiers, illegal voters, dead voters, imaginary voters, Christian haters, flag haters revisionists of history(to say nothing of the truth), hucksters, pollsters, moles and miscreants to back you leftists, how are you going to explain it if YOU lose? That was supposed to be a done deal, slam dunk in'16 and all I've heard is whining about something called "Russian Collusion". As if we really needed help from Russians to screw up an election.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at August 29, 2018 9:04 PM MDT