Be patient. Under donjohn things are changing very quickly. He is the arbiter of legal and illegal and I"m sure he is already "looking into it". He will "see what happens". He may simply incarcerate all people of color/all non-Republicans and let it go at that. No bail. No trial. No hearing. Despot dictators get to do fun stuff like that. Be patient. It will come. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday.
Not cut-and-dried Ele. They will do a risk assessment evaluation case by case to determine whether or not the person is a flight risk. I assume. Thank you for your questions. Did I answer them ?
Just wait until no one shows up for court. And there is no one who signed/paid the bail to be help locate them.
This post was edited by my2cents at August 30, 2018 6:51 AM MDT