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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » One thing for sure. Though donjohn may not know how to treat his friends/how to keep 'em he sure knows how to treat his enemies doesn't he?

One thing for sure. Though donjohn may not know how to treat his friends/how to keep 'em he sure knows how to treat his enemies doesn't he?

Ya gotta admire him for that. He could teach a MASTER CLASS.

Posted - August 30, 2018


  • 6477
    I've yet to see anything to admire about him.. How he treats his enemies, is pretty much how he treats everyone.. no skill involved just be a jerk to everyone. :P
      August 30, 2018 3:31 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I've read that he can be very charming one-on-one. I can imagine that. Part of the phony  scam artist giving folks what they need so he can smash the crap outta them later. Charming in person and an evil bast**d elsewhere? One of those poses is phony. They can't both be sincerely real. Thank you for your reply Addb,
      August 31, 2018 5:16 AM MDT

  • 6477
    You are being way too generous again :P Remember when you and others said you thought he was clever ? I said all along, no, he is an idiot, an imbecile - I was and am right :P We only have to look at the things he says and does :P 

    So his being charming.. no, I don't believe it! He is phoney and there are some who fall for that.. but one only has to have a modicum of intelligence and savvy to see he is false, a liar.. shallow..  I have colleagues like that.. my manager.. she is as false as the day is long.. smiles sweetly while being evil... I can see through it and a lot of others can too.. this is why *I* am liked and she isn't .. you only have to encounter her a few times before it becomes clear... 

    You are right though that it's always the case that that kind of person is ONLY charming, falsely, to get what they want.. they will smash that person later. 
      August 31, 2018 4:12 PM MDT