Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you a Rambling Man or M'am? Verbally, physically, mentally, emotionally more or less?

Are you a Rambling Man or M'am? Verbally, physically, mentally, emotionally more or less?

Posted - August 30, 2018


  • 6477
    I've been known to ramble.. usually when it's a nervous situation but things work out ok... it's then that I am inclined to ramble.. 
      August 30, 2018 3:26 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I often get on riffs. Some might call them rants. You know where one thing leads to another and another and another and another and another....etcetera and so forth? Sometimes I have no idea what's bottled up inside until I start "talking" and then it just flows. The source? I haven't a clue. Thank you for your reply Addb. As far as I have experienced with you I have not seen that rambling side of you. :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 31, 2018 4:13 PM MDT
      August 31, 2018 5:01 AM MDT