No, it's illogical to suggest they are against him and misleading people.. it's a huge dose of him and his followers not realising or accepting the truth and reality... He is very unpopular and, as the searches reveal, with good reason.
Apologies then as that really isn't correct.. it's just a right-orientated 'belief' - In actual fact search engines work by matching the most relevant items matching the search criteria - then they are ranked in order of how many times they are viewed, i.e an assumption of popularity... There are ways to *pay* to have your company rise up the rankings but that would only work within the confines of the search and searching something like, 'Trump's success to date' would NOT be something people would pay to influence.. For that to happen the 'lefts' would have to shell out a lot of money... distributed over an infinite number of potential search criteria. and that's not going to happen, so that would be getting into conspiracy theory territory and we all know how they are!
It's just not the same as paying to get top of the list for something like, 'colleges in the Brighton area'
I found an interesting thing in my travels... As you know I like to understand things, like I am fascinated by how right-wing extremists bang on and on and on and on about lefts but I hardly ever see the same in supposed left wing people.. I was trying to understand who exactly these lefties that I hear so much about are.. what they do.. or don't do.. Most of all I was trying to understand WHY don't these lefties DO the same as the righties.. as in bang on and on about right-wingers and why they don't engage in the same illogical hatred and ire..
I was expecting to find that they DO do the same as the righties.. that would make sense.. if the right -wingers hate and despise the lefties so much that they blame them for everything, (i.e tech companies as you mention) then surely the lefties do the same thing to the righties.. But apparently not.. When I searched, 'why do right-wing extremists go on about left-wing' and all kinds of variants around that theme, e.g. 'blame' vilify, hate.. etc.. ALL I got was right-wing propaganda and more banging on about how hateful, evil, useless and to blame the lefties were.. There were literally NO examples of these supposed lefties saying similar things about the righties as the righties were saying openly about the lefties..
A reverse search revealed just more of the right-wing propaganda, basically nullifying these unnamed lefties.. It seemed to me that whereas there are numerous 'organised' organisations, specifically dedicated to bad-mouthing, hating and blaming lefties.. there didn't seem to be the same, if any, level of similar Lefties doing same.. There didn't seem to be any 'organisations' dedicated to hating righties..
I love this stuff as you know - analysing articles.. so many people seem entirely to miss the obvious and only hear what they want to hear.. so thanks for giving me something to analyse :) SO...I only read the latter one.. I have to be selective as it's late here - in actual fact the article does NOT say that the owner is lefty.. It says the opposite..
“This is actually a concern that I have and that I try to route out in the company by making sure we don’t have any bias in the work that we do." He says clearly that there IS bias.. but that he is concerned about it and tries to make sure a fairer/both sides picture is shown.. He has been criticised for not being very effective at that for sure.. but no way does that mean HE is left.. That's just the facts here..
We have to face the fact that Facebook is an entity that to some extent has its content controlled by those who use it.. if there are more lefy orientated people on it, posting then the result is a bias toward that.. It seems that the most prevalent view, the mainstream view is toward the left..
The evidence points to him NOT being lefty as he is concerned about it and says people should be concerned.. He accuses tech companies of being lefty.. that honestly holds no more weight than anyone saying such and such is left.. sayin it doesn't make it so..
Examining the facts though reveals that since Trump IS on twitter, twitting his heart out incoherently and with venom against anyone and everything and since many right wing extremists are also there.. then clearly while there may be bias in that there are way more non-right-wing extremists posting and perhaps the extremists with their ranting and hatred are unpopular they ARE there.. and they are given a voice..
It makes sense that silicone valley is more left thinking.. intelligent, well educated people tend to be more along those lines whereas traditionally the extremist right tend to be associated with poorer, less educated people - in the uk it's definitely working class that are more right wing.
This is a slightly different point to the one raised but happy to discuss this
Just as an add... I managed to find time before I go to bed to look at the other article.. again the picture you intimate isn't actually what's happening.. they said that employees tend to be more left orientated.. well actually that IS the majority of people.. so that's probably why.. and again people who are educated tend to be more left orientated ... .but they did say that they strive to maintain balance and they did not say they are left, they try to offer both sides.. which is what they should do..
However, where users behave in an offensive and pig-ignorant way then they can and should expect to be banned.. the answer is behave like civilised people and you wont get banned.. that's not leftist it's just being civilised.. left wing or right wing.. if one behaves like a ranting uncouth hater then one will get suspended.. Same for all of us anywhere really... When I've been reprimanded on here... it wasn't because I was left or right wing... (in actual fact people really don't know what I am or am not) it was because I violated, or allegedly did, or someone believed I did - the rules.. So I do think it's a red herring to start claiming a n organisation is leftist when they ban people who consistently behave badly..
Zuckerberg replied: “First I understand where that concern is coming from because Facebook and the tech industry is located in silicon valley which is an extremely left-leaning place."
OK so I accept that now we enter the territory of pedantics.. which I confess is one of my 'things' - it goes with my analytical side.
You did indeed originally say that tech companies are 'leftist' that's somewhat stronger than saying they lean to the left btw, which is exactly why I entered the debate.. I always dislike it when people make sweeping statements. But then you went on to say that, 'The owners of the companies Facebook and Twitter both have said they are lean left. ' Now technically that could be read either way, I realise. I took it to mean that you were saying that you were implying that the owners were left-slanted.. Which isn't true.. They do admit that many of their employees are, (goes back to the educated point) but *they* the owners aren't and as I pointed out there is actually very little control over the users of the site who are, or seem to be left-orientated. There should be NO control either as we all appreciate freedom of speech.. If the majority of people lean towards the left then that's going to be the predominant view and slant on FB..
Both organisations are aware of it and it must be very reassuring to know that they acknowledge it and do fight to maintain a platform where both sides can air their difference. It's just that when they behave badly they will be banned or suspended.
The claim that *tech* is left leaning is unsubstantiatable; it's way too sweeping.. and certainly can't be substantiated on the basis that it was printed in an article quoting Zuckerberg who said it .