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Segregation/Racism. Same/different?

Posted - August 31, 2018


  • 46117
    Same but segregation takes it to a lower level of worse actually.

    It implies to me that it is racism condoned by law.

    See?  Here we have a nice Trump Administration with his new aides.

    See the TOKEN in the front?  That is probably Paris' pick.  You know that single BLACK apologist of Trump's?  
    Someone should seriously burn HIM at the stake and not because he's black but because he is a TRAITOR to black people.  He is as bad as that Dr. Ben Carson.  And just as dangerous.
    First, here is Paris Denard and next are the all white aides.

    Except for one.

    Trump Apologist Paris Dennard Defends Trump’s Memorial Day Tweet In The Most Ridiculous Way Ever

    MAY 28, 2018 

    President Trump chose to acknowledge the solemn occasion that is Memorial Day by tweeting about himself. He, of course, has not spent a day in military service; Trump has moreover berated and degraded true military heroes like Senator John McCain (R-AZ) who was held captive as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

    The President tweeted, saying:

    “Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!”

    Donald J. Trump
    Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!


    The incredibly self-serving tweet is a departure from statements made by other politicians who take the opportunity to thank the military for their service and honor the sacrifices of those who have died in service to the United States.

    Paris Dennard is a Republican strategist and Trump apologist. He defended the President’s tweet on CNN Monday. He also told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin that “the soldiers who fought, bled, and died did so for the freedoms of America.”

    He went on, “They did so so we can have the opportunity to live in a free enterprise system, where we do have a strong economy.” He added, “They did so so that we would live under American rule and law and not under rule of communism or socialism or under the Islamic state.”

    Dennard continued to defend Trump by saying, “And so because of their sacrifices and because of people who serve right now, fighting for us and protecting us, we have had the freedoms and free enterprise system and capitalist system that allows us to have an amazing economy.” He proceeded, stating, “So the President’s remarks via Twitter and his remarks there at Arlington were heartfelt and were appropriate.”

    Baldwin pressed Dennard further asking about Trump’s choice to tweet about “this spy conspiracy and Russia before going to Arlington and laying that wreath.” She asked, “Why go there, today of all days?”

    Dennard responded, “The President is able to tweet and talk about multiple things.” He continued,  “I think the President has a right — we all have freedom of speech, which is one of those things that those soldiers protect us for the Constitution 

    ....it just goes on and on like that.  He is a token moron.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 1, 2018 5:00 AM MDT
      August 31, 2018 8:27 PM MDT

  • 113301
    They are all morons Sharon. Either naturally or they were contoured and pretzelized to be that way. All those who surround he who shall not be named MUST STAY THAT WAY or they are targeted for extinction by any means possible. It is more shocking of course when women and people of color defend him. You'd think they of all people would want nothing to do with him. But there is no accounting for what folks think or do or aspire to is there? Dagnabbit! :( Thank you for your reply!   :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 1, 2018 5:04 AM MDT
      September 1, 2018 5:03 AM MDT

  • 555
    Not necessarily. Minority groups - defined by religion, culture, or lifestyle - may have all sorts of reasons to segregate themselves. E.g. survivalists, Strict Orthodox Jews.
      September 1, 2018 2:13 PM MDT

  • 3719
    A good point.

    Segregation and racism are not synonyms though. Enforced segregation with the aim of excluding or suppressing a section of society may be one result of racism. 
      September 1, 2018 3:40 PM MDT