I call ‘em as I see ‘em, Rosie. If that entails praise, so be it; if it begets criticism, then so be it. Brutal honesty is a fault of mine, empathy is not my gift.
Modesty is subjective, I have my wife to keep me on the right side of it.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 1, 2018 7:34 AM MDT
Appreciating others does not require praising although if they do praiseworthy things I think it's a nice thing to do providing it is SINCERE . Honesty is fine if it is kind. BRUTAL is not my cuppa tea unless it is directed at a vile person such as he who shall not be named. Since anything goes for him according to him anything goes for me according to me. Reciprocity rocks! As for empathy I'm really not sure what the difference is between caring about others' trials and tribulations with sympathy or empathy. It's all the same to me. Not caring at all is not my cuppa tea. I disagree that modesty is subjective unless you mean everything we think,feel, say, do is subjective. Of course it is. We cannot divorce ourselves from ourselves ever about everything. Here's the test according to me. Do you think you're hot stuff and all others are always lukewarm or cold? Do you take pleasure in the pain of others/feeling superior to them? I don't think your wife should be burdened with that albatross DB. Your ego. Just my opinion but you're a big boy and you wear big boy pants. You shouldn't lean on her for something that. Of course it's none of my business what the dynamic is between the two of you. Big heads swelled heads condescending arrogance offends me in anyone. Usually though they aren't all that swell. Again I only speak for me. And I specifically speak about the one who shall not be named. I don't like people to talk down to me for any reason and I don't talk down to others. When you do that you assume you are their better. I don't mean YOU specifically. I'm talking about the generic YOU. Rest assured whatever it is in which you excel others excel in things you don't. No one is best at everything. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. Remembering that is modesty m'dear. According to me. Sorry for the verbose reply. I never know when I'm gonna let 'er rip. This was one of those times! SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
It’s all good, Rosie, I get where you’re coming from. Don’t worry about the verbosity, too few people speak for themselves enough.
I’m an educated grown man, and accept what and how I am, for better and worse. My wife does too, and she provides the emotional and genteel side of our pairing; I am the loud side. ;)