Because Kavanaugh is as cold-hearted an SOB as the don. Why you ask?
He snubbed Fred Guttenberg's offer of a handshake. Who is Fred Guttenberg? A Parkland father who is a very outspoken grieving dad who is against gun violence. So did cold-hearted Brett not want to irritate the NRA and all the trumpicans who would have been irate at such a betrayal? Is that why Brett did that? For appearance sake? No compassion/sympathy for a grieving father who only wanted to shake his hand? Isn't he a grand guy? Bet he made lotsa points with lotsa folks by his rude and cold dismissal. Of course the White House made excuses as they always do for every wrong. But they were wrong. SIGH. So we have a gubment that reflects what the decider is which is not good. Of course all his other choices are betraying him daily by leaking what is really going on inside Crazytown. And SCOTUS Justice picks have sometimes turned out to be much more than we thought they were. They actually made decisions based on merit and not on partisan politics. All the 5-4 decisions that have come down should embarrass the Justices. Predictably voting for big business and against "the little guy". Predictably voting Republican and not American. Predictable. Deplorable. Reprehensible. The Supremes are not supreme at all. They are just folks who get appointed to a lifetime gig who think they follow their conscience. Odd that it is always predictable on which side they're gonna land isn't? SIGH. We'll see what happens won't we? I wonder if this don john pick will turn on him eventually too or will he be a very loyal lapdog puppet guy..the president's guy...and do what he is expected to do? Taking bets. What are the odds?