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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Anonminus. Amonius. Amimiemouse. Three strikes and yer out super don. Couldn't properly pronounce ANONYMOUS. Was he drunk?

Anonminus. Amonius. Amimiemouse. Three strikes and yer out super don. Couldn't properly pronounce ANONYMOUS. Was he drunk?

Remember the old Lucille Ball skit about her advertising Vegivetavitamin(sp?). A product laced with booze and she does a few retakes and ends up drunk as a skunk. So that was the excuse for her character. What is the excuse for the American character super don? How difficult a word is A NON Y MOUS? Reminds me of the George W. Bush pronunciation of  NUCLEAR.  He said NUCULURE. Every time. Without fail. No one ever corrected him. I don't know why. I think a minniemouse  is kinda hilarious. A nominus not so much. Three strikes and you're out or the third time's the charm? I leave it to you kind reader to decide for yourself! :)

Posted - September 9, 2018


  • 35070
    What is 


    I wonder if the poster was drunk? Also "yer" is not a word either. 

    We all misspell words from time to time, even 3 times. Just as Randy D he knows. 


      September 9, 2018 9:11 AM MDT