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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » To whom/what do we owe politics ? Early dynastic Sumer and Egypt were the first civilizations to define their borders. Was it them?

To whom/what do we owe politics ? Early dynastic Sumer and Egypt were the first civilizations to define their borders. Was it them?

Did building walls start it all? Will building walls or one wall end it? Early on there were bands, tribes, chiefdoms with vaguely defined frontier-type borders. Today borders are DEFINITE not arbitrary. Early systems were that of self-governance or monarchy whereas it has evolved into an attempt at complex  DEMOCRATIC systems to totalitarian systems that exist today. Of the two the totalitarian system seems to be in far greater favor and the democratic models? Dying out. Hear the death rattle in quadraphonic sound that abounds and rebounds and redounds and reverberates and grows ever louder echoing the misery thereof at excruciatingly high decibel levels guaranteed to make you deaf?

Posted - September 10, 2018
