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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » True religious freedom will be embracing those who wear swastikas on neck chains as we do those who wear crosses or a Star of David. Do we?

True religious freedom will be embracing those who wear swastikas on neck chains as we do those who wear crosses or a Star of David. Do we?

Nazis operate on religious fervor but I don't know exactly what religion except that I think being Nazi is a very religious thing that binds all Nazis no matter where they be or whom they be or how they be or what they or why they be. There are churches and temples and and mosques where folks worship. Where do Nazis worship? What religious icons do they revere and what holy book do they memorize and what holidays do they traditionally celebrate? Nazis are people too. They may not be your cuppa tea but as super don said there are good people on both sides and both sides are to blame. I believe he was referring to Charlottesville at the time and received many bigly kudos from David Duke and his ilk. Good job super don! Bring people together. Make 'em all alike. No difference. Same. No one to blame. No bad guys here. Not on your watch right? Got it.

Posted - September 10, 2018
