Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are despised by Republicans. They cannot attack them enough. What woman in the Republican Party is that strong? Sara Palin? Nikki Haley so far is still standing. How long will her gig last if she is outed as being among the anti-super dons? Sarah Huck? She is just another super don mouthpiece saying what she is ordered to say. Ivanka Kushner? Where is she lately? Quiet little hausfrau mouse? Melania had promise but she recently came out to defend her hubby "dearest" against Anonymous or was it Bob Woodward's book? Either way so much for what might have been and never will be. Who is the strongest Republican woman politically? Someone who is feared? Someone you don't want to cross or else? Sallyanne Conway? C'mon folks. Get serious. If you can think of anyone let us know s'il vous plait. Merci mille fois.