"He who does not look for silver lining shall never find it."
Personally, I don't believe that “silver lining” thing is entirely true. But then again, I don’t always look for it. Over the years, life’s pretty much beaten all the optimism out of me. Yet, there are people out there who, for reasons yet unknown, are able to find hope no matter how bad things get.
The sun'll come out… to-morrow.
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow there'll be sun!
Unfortunately, no matter how much you may want to, you can’t “smack it out of them” (trust me on this). It seems that no matter how bad life treats these ‘perpetual optimists’, always manage to find some good in it. “At least you have your health.” “Things could always be worse.” I don’t know about you, but when I’m facing a hard time, I’d prefer some sympathy, not someone telling me to ‘count my blessings’. Granted there are times when my “dark moment” isn’t nearly as dark as I make it out to be (I have a cold! Oh, woe is me!). When you just want to suffer in your misery, one of these “people” always seems to pop up.
The sun'll come out... to-morrow
So ya gotta hang on
‘Til tomorrow
Come what may.
How on earth can those people always find something to be cheerful about? Is that silver lining they always find made of pep pills? I know that not everyone has the ability to see this “magical silver lining”. Sometimes our darkness is so great we can't see out of it. As annoying as those Pollyanna-type may be, sometimes it's kind of nice to have someone point out that things really aren’t as bad as we might think.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya, tomorrow!
You're always a day a way!