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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If someone INSULTED your spouse's appearance and LIED about your dad how DESPERATE would you have to be to beg him to campaign for thee?

If someone INSULTED your spouse's appearance and LIED about your dad how DESPERATE would you have to be to beg him to campaign for thee?

Woulja? Shouldja? Couldja?Ted Cruz tops the heap of creeps cuz that's what that dude done did. He is scared to death of his competition. Some Dem nicknamed BETO is wiping the floor with him. Poor Ted. No one loves him. He is in a desperate situation to keep his job so desperate times require desperate actions. Your pols in action. Only in America do pols sink this low.

Posted - September 16, 2018


  • 6098
    Not very desperate at all if I chose to play politics. 
      September 16, 2018 9:30 AM MDT