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"Why do people always blame the cops"? Because they are the ones with the loaded guns who kill unarmed people. This is news to you?

Posted - September 18, 2018


  • 1502
    Do you realize a suspect doesn’t have to posses a gun to be a threat of great bodily harm or death. You must examine the laws of what constitutes a real threat of great bodily harm and the threat of death. Not all police shootings are justified. Some officers have been wrongfully cleared. What people like you fail to realize is police officers have milliseconds to make a decision about what force to use and if to use it by judging the situation. They don’t know who‘s out to harm them, even in a routine traffic stop. Until you’re in a situation where you have to react immediately I suggest you stop bashing police and making bold accusations. Im sick of people who don’t have a darn clue about this running their moths when they’ve never been in such a situation. Until you walk a few miles in their bots and do their job I would be careful in what you say. I will conclude with not all police officers are good people. Not all of them belong in law enforcement. There are cases of excessive force, police brutality, and unjustified killings or shootings. Police are human beings too. They aren’t robots. This means corrupt police officers will exist.   
      September 18, 2018 3:54 AM MDT

  • 17055
    Which is why body cams exist. Any police officer who draws his sidearm and switches the cam off is guilty and can't be proven innocent. An unarmed Australian woman was shot dead in Minneapolis by a cop who did precisely that.
      September 18, 2018 4:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 18, 2018 4:19 AM MDT

  • 1502
    And it was COMPLETELY WRONG. Did you read where I said bad officers, unjustified killings, and police brutality do exist and happen? I will never defend the officers in this tragic and heinous act. I think police officers should be punished when they turn off my their body cams. Progressive discipline should be used. Third time should be termination. If they turn them off during a shooting or an alleged case of police brutality they should be fired immediately.  This post was edited by Rizz at September 18, 2018 5:43 PM MDT
      September 18, 2018 4:26 AM MDT

  • 6098
    A lot of people have trouble with authority. They don't take kindly to being told what to do even if it is for their own good.  My husband and I understand what it is like and how difficult it is for law enforcement personnel so we try and support them and do what we can for them and contribute to their well-being.  They are just normal people but with a very tough job for us so they need all the help and support they can get.  Because they protect our lives and property it just seems to me it would be crazy to blame them.   Unless we have no property or do not values our lives or the lives of others. Without proper law enforcement the only thing left to us would be gangs just killing each other. 
      September 18, 2018 4:56 AM MDT

  • 35038
    I blame the person not listening to the officer. 

      September 18, 2018 6:56 AM MDT