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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Unless you want bacteria/germs/dirt to slide in on the knife and get on the flesh of what you eat you wash all melons too, don't you?

Unless you want bacteria/germs/dirt to slide in on the knife and get on the flesh of what you eat you wash all melons too, don't you?

Watermelon included? Think about it. What's on the outside can easily slide inside and that means it will end up inside you. Or do you like to live dangerously?

Posted - September 18, 2018


  • 6098
    No because I don't eat the outside skins of melons. Sometimes eat the rind.  No thinking about that doesn't bother me because I think OK if I eat a little dirt and bacteria - can't be any worse than most of what I already have inside me!  Nothing better on a hot day in midsummer than a slice of watermelon. 
      September 18, 2018 5:02 AM MDT