Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» A REAL president would NEVER declassify classified information over the objections of Intelligence Agencies. Why did the fake one do so?
You do realize that giving out classified information can be detrimental to national security, don't you. So, the person who does that has committed treason in my estimation and if it was done to spite the intelligence agencies, he should be removed from office immediately.
If "putting lives at risk" was a definition of treason - then, as Commander in Chief, EVERY President would be guilty of it.
As Chief Executive, the President has ultimate authority over every agency of the federal government, and how they operate. Including what gets classified.
IMO - TGITWH is a man drowning in corruption, he's 'grasping at straws' ( This idiom refers to a drowning man grabbing any floating object, even a straw, to save himself) The goal appears obvious: Trump is searching for anything he can use to discredit the investigation and to influence a negative public opinion of Mueller's investigation...
At the expense of our intelligence assets(real live people) as well as some of the methods we use? That is a bit much don'tcha think Beans/SG? Other than from the Intelligence Agencies' personnel I don't notice any complaints from other folks especially his adoring worshippers. They don't give a rat's a** about our country. They are besotted with him so he can do/say no wrong. Whatever he says is true they accept. Period. SIGH. We sure got a lemon with this guy didn't we? Thank you for your reply m'dear and Happy Tuesday! :)