Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I think sadists and masochists are both insane. Evildoers enjoy inflicting pain on others. Why does anyone WANT pain inflicted on him/her?
You mean pain IS pleasure? I don't get that at all m2c. Could you expand on that so I can understand what you mean? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee! :)
Tis fairly complicated.. As my2 said some find pleasure in pain.. they say that the receptors in the brain for pain and pleasure are very close together, so close as to be hard to distinguish the two sometimes.. Personally I don't find it so but I know others do.
There can be a million and one reasons why people like pain, often associated with the need to be dominated or to dominate, to be humiliated or to humiliate. There's a sense of power in controlling and being able to do whatever you please with someone, to have them at your disposal..Pain infliction or receiving can be bound up in that..
For some of them they have been abused and the legacy is that they have low self esteem and/or have come to associate even negative attention with that being the only attention they get and are used to.. It becomes normal to them.. Sometimes those who have been abused go on to abuse others..
That is very sad to me Addb. Gruesomely sad. Living a life like that would not be my cuppa tea. I cannot even begin to imagine getting off on inflicting pain on someone PURPOSELY or having pain inflicted on me PURPOSELY. That is a wackadoodle state of being if I ever heard of one. Badly wired brain. Screwed up emotional framework. Illogical unreasonable and appalling I think. Mentally and emotionally crippled. It is not a healthy way to live. I wonder how many poor souls "enjoy" being a sadist or a masochist? Millions? I pity the poor children of such hobbled people because some of that dysfunction must seep out and slip out and affect the children. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Is there any coming back from i t? I'm gonna ask.