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"I really don't remember. I was drunk a lot when I was in Prep School". Why didn't Kavanaugh tell that truth?

Posted - September 20, 2018


  • I don't care if the man has been drunk all his life, he doesn't deserve this vicious political dirty tricks and smear campaign compliments of the Democrat opposition. We can only hope that like Haman of old, these people will be hanged on their on their own scaffold. It would be a wonderful turn of events.
      September 20, 2018 10:21 AM MDT

  • 35037
    Just because a friend is a drunk does not mean you are a drunk. 

    I had friends in High school who were drunks and stoners.  I was neither. I did drink from time to time but I was not a drunk and always knew what I was doing and never blacked out. I was not a stoner at all. 
      September 20, 2018 11:53 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I've not followed the story, (I am too wrapped up in myself these days, necessarily for survival) but if someone lies, then they are in the wrong.. people lie all the time.. but when we start excusing or overlooking it we condone amoral and reprehensible behaviour.. that has consequences for the world in which we live.. Interesting... some people seem to think that lying should be excused? Or do I misunderstand.. In my book then someone who lies deserves to be smeared and vilified.. it's not acceptable behaviour.  
      September 20, 2018 11:54 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's the bottom line Addb. Mark Judge, the Kavanaugh friend whom Dr. Ford says was in the room at the time Kav attempted to rape her, wrote a memoir about his days as a teenage alcoholic who regularly got so drunk he passed out and had blackouts. Kavanaugh was part of that social group at the time and also referred to those times or alluded to those times in  such a way that he indicated he knew his way around kegs of beer! If they were drunk a lot how do they KNOW they did not do what they were accused of doing? That's crucial I think. They may honestly not remember. Why? Because they got so drunk/smashed/blotto their brains were fried. Now how can you admit that and insist that something never happened when you can't possibly be certain of it? Anyway he will probably be shoved through and confirmed. Another loss for facing up to what you did or were alleged to have done in the long ago. I would think Kavanaugh and his supporters would welcome an FBI background check investigation and want everyone who was around at that time to be interviewed as well. That is PROVIDING he believes he is innocent. So should the Republicans but they are so terrified of an FBI background check they have lied about it. They said the FBI doesn't investigate such things and in fact it is the FBI who always does the background check during confirmation of judges. Always. So they are telling baldfaced lies because they are terrified which means they don't trust Kavanaugh. Sigh. What else is new? They protect their own and truth be dam*ed. Truth is such an annoying thing. It gets in the way of the shady sales pitch and at all costs it has to be silenced! Perhaps it will be silenced forever. :( Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Friday to thee! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 21, 2018 2:23 AM MDT
      September 21, 2018 2:19 AM MDT