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Other than physical differences are men and women the same intellectually emotionally morally spiritually or different? Why?

Posted - September 21, 2018


  • 35038
    Generally, men and women are different. 

      September 21, 2018 4:26 AM MDT

  • 113301
    In all ways m2c? So one gender is smarter than the other? One is more emotionally balanced? One is more moral? One is more spiritual?  Which is which? Thank you for your reply.
      September 21, 2018 5:11 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Maybe 94% the same in all things, physically as well, but that 6% or so makes all the difference.  We work the same - the way our bodies function etc.. But our processes - how we get from A to B - can be different.  As well as our motivations.  Very generally we are going to be more family and community organized.  Left to our own devices we weave webs of support that take in many persona and things.  Where men think more in terms of individual cultivation and assertion we think more in terms of security.  We derive more comfort from spirituality particularly if it is community -based while men see it more as a an individual challenge.  Men are more willing to be martyrs and die for a particular moral cause while we are more likely to apprehend it in terms of how it affects our well being and that of our children.  So while men are more generally looking for chances and venues to exert their individuality we more look for agreement from others.  Our emotions are mostly going to be closer to the surface while men they have to more ignore them or bypass them in order to function effectively.  We are more likely to process through our emotions. 

    All of which I mean very generally and of course there are so many personal individualities involved as well.  
      September 21, 2018 5:16 AM MDT