Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Seedy sleazy super don is lecturing Professor Ford about the timing of her report. A sexual abuser (in his own words) criticizing a vic*?

Seedy sleazy super don is lecturing Professor Ford about the timing of her report. A sexual abuser (in his own words) criticizing a vic*?

*We don't KNOW that she is a vic. That is what we are going to find out hopefully.

He SAID on that Access Hollywood tape "you can grab e'm by the ______and they let you". Proud as punch was he about his method of sexually assaulting women. Yet because he does not recognize irony or propreity he lectures an alleged victim about the timing doing two things. Showing he abject stupidity about the subject and calling attention to the fact that he is one of them. If Kav is which is yet to be proven.  But he is accused of it and so a logical president with an unsavory track record of sexual abuse would just stifle it and stay out of it. No tweets. No photo ops. No nuthin'. But he isn't very smart so of course he will do the dumbest thing possible. Here we go. Buck up and buckle up.

Posted - September 21, 2018
