Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The 11 WHITE Republican MALE Senators won't question Dr. Ford if she shows up? They hired an OUTSIDE somebody to do it for them?
Of course Nanoose. We pay for everything all the time 24/7 day or night. It's always on ou backs around our necks and in our hair. That's what we get for electing jacka** guys (and gals too I suspect). They are way too chickensh** to want to question Dr. Ford because they KNOW it will be compared to the kangaroo court to which Dr. Anita Hill was subjected. Anything but that! 11 old white Republican men caving on an issue like that because they don't have the spine or the intelligence or the cajones to trust themselves to be respectful and fair. Sheesh! Thank you for your reply! :)
They have listened to media and the Dems go on and on about her being questioned by " old white men" and are simply taking that line of attack qway. They are being much nicer than I would be. i would subpoena her and if she did not show up that would be the end of it. And we would vote thst day.
Too close to midterm elections to be mixed up in such a matter. Its essentially lose-lose for any Congressman who gets involved in this business, particularly males
I think any time should be the right time to do the right thing in the right way DB.They have no problem opining absurdities though. The Republican senator who said she(referring to Dr. Ford) is "mixed up". The Republicans who refuse to use due process. The Republican majority who will shove this guy up our butts and down our throats and are so desperate to do that yesterday they will do/say anything to get it done. They are all cut from the same shoddy inferior cloth. You'd think there'd be at least one of them who insisted on due process. John McCain would have done so because he did always push for that but sadly the Republican/trumpican Senators who are still left are all worthless human beings. Collectively they do not have even one heart among them or brain or soul or sense of fairness/onor. I always thought the House was inferior to the Senate in terms of the quality of the people serving. And that the Senate was made up of sensible fair-minded people. I know it used to be that way. Today the trumpicans are in charge in both places and woe is us until/unless that changes. Will it be in the November mid-term election? I cannot say for sure. I can only hope. Thank you for your reply.
We can only hope that it;s a show of contempt for her. By the way, only in one's overworked imagination is it illegal or unethical to be a white male. Of course I realize that you're only parroting what you hear on CNN.
Once again your assumption is incorrect. I NEVER WATCH CNN. Never have. Never will. I AM STRICTLY AN MSNBC GAL. Rachel Maddow. Nicole Wallace. Katy Tur. Lawrence O'Donnell. Chris Matthews. Chris Hayes. The Reverend Al Sharpton. Joy Reid. Andrea Mitchell. And all the knowledgeable guests they have who contribute to the information daily. I used to watch Bill O'Reilly many years ago. He used to advertise "fair and balanced". Didn't agree with everything he said but he was amusing and fairly likable. Then his true self (the sexual predator) came out and he tried to bullsh** his way through but ultimately they fired his a**. So much for seeking to hear "the other side". Now all ya got is Sean Hannity and the Fox&Friends "boil and bubble toil and trouble" crew. Not much there. Oh and ya got super don making his only appearances on that channel because he trusts them to suck up properly and consistently. And of course that brilliant light of great delight RudyG the best dam* TV lawyer anyone ever had. Lotsa options out there. For everyone. Of every ilk. My ilk prefers MSNBC. My cuppa tea. Thank you for your observation, through incorrect. Your confidence in yourself that you know what people like to watch is quite astonishing.
This post was edited by RosieG at September 23, 2018 9:26 AM MDT