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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Misidentify. Mixed Up". What idiot thought that up? The White House brain trust is bigly subpar. Anyone wanna guess how this ends?

"Misidentify. Mixed Up". What idiot thought that up? The White House brain trust is bigly subpar. Anyone wanna guess how this ends?

They invest a zillion hours coaching Kav about how to answer the questions he will be asked. Why does he need coaching to tell the truth? Then a super idiot says (a REPUBLICAN Senator) Dr. Ford is "mixed up". Then the bigly teeny tiny infinitely small White House brain trust comes up with a desperation move and says she "misidentified" her attacker. What other blithering idiotic straws will they grab at to save the nomination of a quite possibly GUILTY nominee? We can't know where the truth is now .We will only know if due process is followed completely. No short cuts. But we know the Republican-majority Senate will not allow that. The reason people cheat and lie is because they that's the only way they can win. SIGH. Dog and Pony show to come or will it all fizzle out because Dr. Ford already knows the outcome?

Posted - September 22, 2018
