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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » February 13, 2016 Justice Scalia died. January 20, 2017 super don was inaugurated. For almost one year SCOTUS had 8 justices. NOW?

February 13, 2016 Justice Scalia died. January 20, 2017 super don was inaugurated. For almost one year SCOTUS had 8 justices. NOW?

Justice Kennedy retired June 27, 2018. The mid-term election will be held November 6,  2018. Less than five months. McConnell and his gang of bums had no problemo preventing President Obama from his right to appoint a Justice to fill the vacant seat of Scalia for A YEAR but they do have a problem waiting less than five months for the people to vote in whom they want to represent them now this time. That was the "REASON" McConnell gave for the refusal to allow President Obama to appoint a Justice. He wanted "the people" to have a say in the matter and so was obstinate obdurate hostile belligerent dogmatic bullying autocratic dictatorial and got away with it. No problemo! A tiny little ineffective  impotent old man who did a political thing and thought he was ever so smart in doing it. He represents the very worst in corrupt politicians. I guess the corrupt do take pride in their activities don't they? He should get some kind of award/reward for OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. Let's see, what would be appropriate?

Posted - September 22, 2018


  • 35036
    This is not a Presidential election. 
    We want Kav on fir the new SCOTUS session.  Dems will not get to pick this judge regardless of the election results.
      September 22, 2018 7:32 AM MDT