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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The goal of Senate trumpicans is to confirm Kav as a SCOTUS Justice. They'll slay whatever gets in the way including truth. Why bother?

The goal of Senate trumpicans is to confirm Kav as a SCOTUS Justice. They'll slay whatever gets in the way including truth. Why bother?

All trumpicans are TERRIFIED of truth. They not only avoid it they slaughter it whenever they can. They wouldn't care if Kav  ACTUALLY raped anyone let alone attempted to do so.  That isn't what matters to them. What does matter? Overturning Roe vs Wade at any cost and they know FER SHURE they can depend on Kav for that. Also protecting super don no matter how guilty he is or what he did and they know Kav will do that too since he already wrote about how a sitting prez must not be troubled by state or federal CRIMINAL investigations. He is a double whammy hammy jammy klammy slammy shammy. That's it. The bottom line. The depths of depravity. SIGH. The dregs.

Posted - September 22, 2018


  • 35036
    1. It was not a one is alleging a rape. At worst it is attempted rape. 
    2. We do not know the truth. We know an accusation. In America we are INNOCENT until proven guilty. If she can prove it fine. But she cannot even specify what year it happened. 
    3. Sen Feinstein should have come forward with this in July. Not waiting until last moment to use it as a delay tactic. This woman has been abused again and it was by the party that claims to be a champion for women. Disgusting. If she believed it to be true, she should have acted as such. Instead she said she was not sure of the accuracy of the information. 
      September 22, 2018 7:41 AM MDT