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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » On a panel of Republican women hosted by CNN one asked "what 17-year-old boy hasn't done this in high school"? Shocked?

On a panel of Republican women hosted by CNN one asked "what 17-year-old boy hasn't done this in high school"? Shocked?

Lourdes Castillo de la Pene said she would back Kavanaugh even if the allegations proved to be true. Would you? To all the guys out there. At 17 did you attempt to rape a 15-year-old girl? Some Republican women seem to think you are all alike and after all "boys will be boys" right? This is what women who come forward face from their own gender. Their own sex being first on the bandwagon to deprecate denigrate make light of and normalize extremely disgusting behavior. Ah yes. Women don't need enemies beyond their own gender do they? Sadly.

Posted - September 23, 2018


  • 6098
    To me its just so crazy that this is what the world has come to be about for so many people.  What dirt and innuendo you can dig up about people you don't like.  Or people who represent people you don't like.  Please get real.  When I was 16, 17, a number of guys my age of older tried to have sex with me.  And a lot of them succeeded.  What did any of us know at that age?  Undoubtedly they thought  they were supposed to do certain things and they did them.  And sometimes they got what they tried to get.  Goodness gracious did you all live in such ivory towers or locked up at home you never experienced anything like that?   I did as did all  my friends and it was just part of being that age.  I would not characterize such as "sexual assault" or "attempted rape" or anything like that.  It was play and we all engaged in it to a greater or lesser extent.  And I should say learned to handle it.  So we don't think about it 40 or 35 or however many years later!  

    You want to know what is really going on then think politics and nothing else. 
      September 23, 2018 7:45 AM MDT