Rape and sexual abuse are very hard to prove even at the time and almost impossible to prove after the event. For this and related reasons it's also incredibly hard to prove false allegations..
I know it does happen, people with an axe to grind. I would think and hope that false allegations are relatively easy to weed out... if it didn't happen then, like with any lie, there will be inconsistencies..
All this to say.. I don't have any stats, it does happen but I am very sure that in nowhere near as many times as rape and abuse that goes unreported or where they fail to get a conviction./
Sad ain't it? I wish there were a way to quantify it Addb. I agree with thee that the number of unreported sexual assaults far outweigh the number of false accusations. But I have no statistics or studies upon which to base that.. The perverts just deny and accuse the accuser of telling the lie. I think they will pay for it somewhere in time. I hope so. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)