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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I don't believe the meek will inherit the earth. It will be SUPERBUGS. One day there will be no defense against them. When will that be?

I don't believe the meek will inherit the earth. It will be SUPERBUGS. One day there will be no defense against them. When will that be?

Posted - September 24, 2018


  • 35036
    I believe the Bible 
      September 24, 2018 3:27 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Are the bugs NOT meek?

    You know, I’ve always read that quote as an empty promise to deceive the weak, that they will gain in some imagined future what they lacked the fortitude to attain by their deeds here in the present. 
    Basically the target audience of gullible people who need the crutch of religion.

    Based on what mankind is doing to the earth, there may not be anything worthwhile left to inherit, for the meek, or anyone else. This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 26, 2018 10:37 AM MDT
      September 24, 2018 9:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Bugs are not meek DB. They are audacious, pernicious and outsmarting us. That's why they are called SUPERBUGS. How long it will be before they completely overtake the world I have no idea.  But that day is coming. Now to take you on about your "basically the target audience of gullible people who need the crutch of religion". What is your crutch m'dear? Is it singular or multiple. We all have a crutch of one sort or another. Whether it is religion or sex or shopping or boozing it up regularly or taking drugs or bullying others. All crutches. Who is to say which among them is "better"? I believe in a super power. Why? Because it comforts me. I CHOOSE it. Others like you choose other things. I don't look down on those who don't believe as I do with one caveat. The super don believers! AARRGGHH!. Why do you look down on me and say I am gullible because of it? Labeling someone  GULLIBLE is not a compliment, correct? It is a tad condescending at best and supercilious at its worst. I love broccoli. Maybe you despise it. Am I gullible because of it? I know I'm reaching but here's the thing. We are all different. We value different things. Different things comfort us. Different things annoy us. So what? Isn't that what makes people more interesting? They are not all like you? I mean this most respectfully. Now whom do I label Gullible? Those who worship  super don. He has no redeeming value at all. In fact he is a liar, corrupt, a traitor, a racist, a bigot, a misogynst, a betrayer and worships himself above and beyond all else. What reasonable thinking person sees that as worthy of being adored? Gullible people. Sigh. I think I beat this horse beyond its death for which I apologize to it and to you. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Tuesday. Ya never know what it might be that you say that triggers something in others do ya? It's a landmine out there. ! :)
      September 25, 2018 2:40 AM MDT

  • 5391
    If I can put a finger on my crutch, it’s my family, my wife and kids. They inspire me, prop me up, give me cause. Belief, to me, is only hope posing as truth. 
    What is “gullible” in my view is the practice of accepting fantasy in the absence of knowledge or sound logic. Wherever that may apply. Yes, we agree on the Trump supporter thing.
    Accordingly, I personally find (most) assertions of religion, to include the quote about the ”meek” you cited, as nothing more than crafted delusion. All god-based (theistic) faith is built on a major presumption. But admittedly, that’s not incumbent on anyone else to have to agree. 
    I still find, however, we can learn much from those we disagree with. 

    I appreciate your indulgence. G’day. 
      September 25, 2018 4:53 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply DB. Do you believe in "miracles"? Knowledge and sound logic does not explain concepts like love or truth or inspiration or hope. People can show the outward signs of "loving" others but we don't know if it's real or a superb con job. That's how folks pull off betraying their spouses. By conning them while they are diddling someone on the side. So much for being "in love with". We take it on faith absent verifiable proof since how do you get inside a brain and read what's really going on? But I digress.  :)
      September 30, 2018 2:32 AM MDT