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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some say "religion is a crutch". I agree. So is booze and drugs and sex and shopping and bodybuilding and countless other things. So what?

Some say "religion is a crutch". I agree. So is booze and drugs and sex and shopping and bodybuilding and countless other things. So what?

We all have and need crutches to get us through the day in an uncertain world, most of which we shall never understand. So we go to church. We take a drink. We go shopping. We sleep around. It makes us feel better. As long as it harms no one including the one who chooses it what could it hurt? I know. Many deaths have occurred because of religion. Well many deaths occur because of people who own guns and I don't see anyone calling those people gullible. They choose it because it comforts them among other things. Anyway what's your crutch?

Posted - September 25, 2018


  • 6098
    Well if it is then it is a pretty necessary one.  When I finally came to the realization of how sinful my life was I knew I was beyond human forgiveness so I needed divine forgiveness.  And my life is still somewhat sinful so the only hope I have of any forgiveness at all is through the atonement of Jesus Christ for all of our sins.  You may look at it this way: if there is no Creator and Force for good then we might as well just murder one another.  I believe in good and in justice so I believe in the divine Creator.

    Now we may kid ourselves that our crutches do not harm anyone but on fact they do.  Because they are selfish, self-centered.  For many years I was into "booze and drugs" but happily I was able, with the help of The Holy Spirit, to clean myself up.  I still drink and daily but very moderately - one glass of wine to take the edge and cares of the day off usually when I get home in the evening.  The attention I get from sex I have always used to make me feel worthwhile as a person and because it feels so great I have tended to give in to its temptation  which even though I have tried to be very careful and very "consenting adults" about it I have hurt others which I am very sorry for and myself as well.  Shopping yes I enjoy but for me its more a necessity which I enjoy.  And usually gives me a chance to spend more time with my husband who accompanies and drives even though he gets nothing else from it besides that.  For which I am grateful.  Bodybuilding I guess I have always seen as sort of over the top and the way they develop those muscles just seems grotesque to me. But I very much believe in exercise and good health. 

    I have never killed anyone because of religion not would I.  That is not what I believe in is about. 
      September 25, 2018 5:10 AM MDT