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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Judiciary Committee trumpican Senators (11 white men) want a gal to ask questions not them! Hiding behind a woman's skirt are we?

The Judiciary Committee trumpican Senators (11 white men) want a gal to ask questions not them! Hiding behind a woman's skirt are we?

They are incapable of asking fair questions in a fair manner fairly? Such a shoddy chickeny yellow-bellied thing to do. For SHAME. Man up men. Do your job! For cryin' out loud! Do your job! Do your job! Do your job!

Posted - September 25, 2018


  • 35036
    Just taking away the narrative that the Dems where exploiting: "11 old white men" will be questioning this poor woman about her abuse. 

    Just playing it smart. 

    Why does Dr. Ford object to a sexual crimes prosecutor (male or female)  asking both herself and Kavanaugh questions? 
      September 25, 2018 2:45 PM MDT