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Discussion » Statements » Do you see conspiracy everywhere? Is every question about partisan politics? What kind of brain sees EVERYTHING as being politically based?

Do you see conspiracy everywhere? Is every question about partisan politics? What kind of brain sees EVERYTHING as being politically based?

Posted - September 29, 2018


  • 3719
    I certainly don't.

    I accept there are conspiracies and shady dealings but most so-called "conspiracies" are cock-ups instead, and the only conspiratorial activities there are in trying to cover it up.

    And it is very hard to discuss politics without becoming partisan. Not impossible but by no means easy - after all, Rosie, much of your "Corner" here appears nowadays to be devoted to disagreeing with your own country's President.

    What kind of brain? That of the cynic?
      September 30, 2018 6:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I despise him Durdle. I HATE him. Now I'm almost 81 years old and I used to pride myself about never hating anyone. Then super don took over and now I truly believe he is the most despicable human who ever lived. He is a racist Fascist bigot misogynist and a traitor. He has no morals no integrity no character and lies every time he opens his mouth. He is cruel and vicious and vitriolic. Do you know there are stsill HUNDREDS of children who haven't been reuinited with their parents? Did you know he diverted $10 million from the FEMA budget and $19 million from another budget to give to ICE to build more cages and kennels to house these children he ripped from their parents arms? These children are damaged for life and he doesn't give a rat's a **!  I see nothing remotely redeeming in him. His base LOVES him and that represents anywhere from 35% to40% of voters. That stat terrifies me. No matter what he does or says they support him. There is no low too far to go for him and whatever he does/says THRILLS them. I had no idea America had so many folks like that. Color me naive. No longer. He has legitimized RACISM beyond the wildest dreams of folks like David Duke who used to be the head of the KKK. They all love the guy. If you are obscenely wealthy he is your guy. He's made his billionaire cronies richer on his watch. I get why they adore him. I don't get why the blue collar worker whose policies hurt them adore him. Go figger! So yes I dislike him and every day in every way with every word he speaks that dislike grows. I do not apologize. He did not win the popular vote by almost 3 million. The election was rigged. The outcome was fixed. The extent of the conspiracy to install him as president is so vast that Mueller may never get done with following all the leads and talking to all the players. Sorry for the long reply. Thank you for your reply Durdle. From what you see do you LIKE super don? This post was edited by RosieG at October 1, 2018 3:45 AM MDT
      October 1, 2018 3:41 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I'd gathered you hate him!

    I don't like him either, but as I'm not American and don't live in America it's not really for me to judge his policies within your country although I do know he has a lot of support - which may say more about the supporters and the nation's domestic problems than about Mr. Trump.

    Nor do I know the full ins and outs of the election, or whether Hilary Clinton would have been a better choice, although I doubt if we will ever know fully and accurately, President Putin's hand in the election campaigning.

    I don't regard Trump as at all competent internationally, and I noticed he failed to impress many people at the United Nations then tried to claim the other countries' delegates were laughing with, not at, him. The impression he gives we foreigners is of a vain, deceitful egocentric surrounding himself with sycophants irrespective of ability, cheapening the office of Presidency, and doing more harm than good to the USA's reputation abroad.

    Large chunks of the world already hate or fear the US's international policies which have long included out-and-out political interference and cultural domination; and some countries already hated the Western ways of life exemplified by the USA or Europe, anyway, beyond the politics. Donald Trump is hardly helping to overcome these problems.  
      October 1, 2018 8:00 AM MDT

  • 17570
    No.  I see a question in the statement section.  
      October 7, 2018 10:16 PM MDT

  • 19938
    So what?  Should she be locked up for putting a question in the statement section?  
      October 20, 2018 8:18 AM MDT