Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When you're drunk and you "BLACK OUT" you have no memory of what you did. When you pass out you remember. Is that correct?
Not necessarily. I heard an eminent psychologist discussing "black-out" drunk where the drinker has no recollection of events - his professional opnion is that the brain gets so loaded that it stops recording. Happened to me when I was nineteen - I've been told stuff that I supposedly did that I don't believe, but also cannot refute - I simply don't remember.
That must have been very scary for you Sbf. A couple of times when I was younger I overindulged. Fortunately I learned my lesson early. But I always remembered what had happened. I never blacked out or not remember what had transpired to cause it. I thought the brain never stopped recording anything though. That everything you experienced was buried somewhere in your subconscious. But when you black out it stops recording? I have gaps in my memory from the chemo in 2008 which I was told could be a side effect. Well it was and is. I don't much like that but I have no control over it. So I have to rely on my Jim or my sister to tell me what it was I don't remember. To do that to oneself purposely? That I do not get! That is beyond stupid dumb! Thank you for your reply Sbf! :)
I'm not sure there's a big distinction between passing out and blacking out. In both cases, you are unconscious. I believe Kavanaugh admitted to "falling asleep" but not to blacking out or passing out. I suspect you would have some recollection of what was going on until your brain was so saturated with alcohol that you were no longer conscious of thinking. Only once did I drink so much that I couldn't remember how I got from point A to point B (I did not drive back then) and the following day, I tried desperately to recall the events, but couldn't. At that point, I made myself a promise that I would never have more than two drinks no matter how many hours I was out at a party or anywhere else. I have kept that promise.
((hugs)) Two drinks is my limit too L! For many many many many years. I had two episodes in my life when I drank more than I should have and both occurred on an empty stomach. You know I'm almost 81 now and I was in my early 30's for the second and last one. Ever since then it's a two-drink limit for me and I just don't can't won't go beyond that. Doesn't remotely appeal to me. I learned my lesson and I learned it very well. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply and Happy Sunday! :)
I think a lot of us had such an experience (or maybe more than one) that made us realize that the aftermath of getting blind drunk was not much fun. Happy Sunday. :)
It was those Long Island Teas. People said I did things I don't remember doing after a couple of those. They are deadly and I don't drink them anymore because I don't like not being in control of my mind and body.