Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Will the KAV calendars/yearbook take him down and out? He said what was written had nothing to do with sex. If it did isn't he TOAST?
Well if I was the FBI my investigation would include doing a carbon date test on that calendar for all we know he made the calendar a couple of weeks ago. Cheers and happy weekend!
OH MY GOSH! I didn't even once think of that Nanoose!. Well it will be interesting to see if the FBI uncovers any more "improprieties". We know Kav already lied numerous times about his yearbook insisting all the sexual allusions were nothing of the kind. He really thinks he is smarter than everyone and we are all very stupid dumb. Pull that on the FBI UNDER OATH? I DARE HIM! Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)