Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Some drift away from family and friends through the years. Others hold on tight with all their might. What have you done?
I was the runt of the litter in my family and the kind of friend who just went along with whatever she was given and whatever the others wanted to do. Hardly very enviable positions. I went my own way as soon as I had a way and was able to.
How are you doing today og? Sounds as if your early days were not conducive to blossoming. Hope things have changed for you. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
A bit of both.. there are people I became close to and I am still close, perhaps a little less close at the moment... but still friends.. Others we lose touch, I have had colleagues, (not my current lot!!!) that I was very close to, who I still miss and feel fondly towards but who, because we no longer work together have lost touch... Most of my family I am not really in touch with.. no big fight but we just don't have anything in common.. I do feel sad about it
I feel a bit wistful too. Some families stay tight and close all their lives and some don't. Why that is I do not know. The "Norman Rockwell" depiction of family I think is an ideal many have but don't live. I don't think it will get better either. Or stay the same. I see worser ahead basically because of what has happened to America. An unbelievable human is president(not a compliment) and he has adoring worshippers. Woe is us. Thank you for your reply Addb! :) Maybe in another universe or another plane or a future life it will be different. There is a lot of potential possibility in MAYBE! :)
We have all drifted away from each other. (except my children.) One sister has disowned us and my brother doesn't communicate with us much at all. He is a far right winger and the rest of us don't agree with his political beliefs.
There is only one person who is a right-winger and we NEVER talk politics. They all live someplace else so when they visit it's because they wanted to see us. A couple of estrangements exist as well sadly but you know folks grow apart for whatever reason. You can't fight it. You just accept it. That's the way the cookie crumbles. Thank you for your reply Ele! :)