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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is not my question. It is a question asked by a friend who used to be on Answermug. What do YOU think?

This is not my question. It is a question asked by a friend who used to be on Answermug. What do YOU think?

Here it is..basically.

Instead of the trumpicans withdrawing the Kavanaugh nomination they are doubling down and will shove him through if they can. Now why would they do that?   Unless

They already knew about his drunken and sexual history and planned to use it on him to keep him in line as Justice of the Supreme  Court so that they could always know he would do their bidding .

That is what Russia did to super don and also the National Enquirer has some dirt which they probably will never release on super don except  that the prez of that rag has already testified to Mueller and maybe what he gave Mueller along with his testiomony was all that dirt? Who knows? And also the guy who produced the Apprentice has lots of tape of super don in action that could be used against him to show what he really is but this guy is probably a trumpican and won't...unless he is subpoenaed of course! At any rate super don knows there are files of dirt on him so he has be an obedient and obsequiously good little boy OR ELSE. So why couldn't the trumpicans use that same MO on Kav?  He seemed really out of control and erratic and maybe it is the knowledge of what super don and the henchman have on him that made Kav so desperately frantic! Who knows? A possibility?

Posted - October 1, 2018


  • 35036
    Why? Simple, he has a good history as a judge and a person. There is no evidence to support any sexual abuse. "She said" is not evidence. I have two boys I do not want them to grow up in a world where "she said" is enough to destroy a man life and reputation.  It comes down to evidence and there is none. Why are there still no charges filed by Ford against Kavanaugh with the local police? There is no statue of limitations there on sex crimes.

    I don't care that be drank in high school or college. Most do and have. 
      October 1, 2018 7:45 AM MDT