Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Any Answermugger a billionaire or know one very well? Do billionaires have budgets and limits within which they always stay? WHY?
I don't personally know any billionaires. I know a few multi-millionaires fairly well. They all have budgets they stick to. Why? Well, their good habits are probably why they've gained and retained their wealth in the first place.
I think there is probably a bit more involved than simply sticking to a budget JA. For one thing the level of income, right? If you earn $2 million a year it's probably easier to stay within a budget than if you earn $20,000. When misfortune occurs you need to borrow money thereby sinking your best intentions if you earn very little. If you earn a lot of very much you can pay it immediately or find a way to avoid paying it like certain other billionaire millionaires do. It comes with the territory I guess. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)