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If you lie on a resume you can get fired, right? If you lie during an interview how is that different?

 Is the WRITTEN WORD  in a resume more binding/critical/significant that the SPOKEN WORD in an interview? If so why?

Posted - October 2, 2018


  • 7280
    I just posted this on another site in response to how "horrible" it was that Senator Hirono didn't presume Kavanaugh was "innocent until proven guilty."

    Somewhat allied to your question---thought you might enjoy reading it.   

    Senator Mazie Hirono was recently accused of misunderstanding American law.

    It turns out her accuser is the one who is wrong---read the following:

    The chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, Ronna Romney McDaniel, recently accused US senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii of misunderstanding American law. “A Democrat on the Judiciary Committee (who graduated from law school) doesn’t believe in the presumption of innocence for conservatives,” McDaniel wrote on Twitter. “That’s terrifying and goes against the bedrock of our entire justice system.”

    But here’s the reality:

    Kavanaugh has not been accused of a crime by a prosecuting body. His liberty isn’t at stake. He’s just a guy who’s up for a job. When you’re applying for a job, an employer doesn’t have to prove you’re guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to discard you from the running. They can simply not hire you, deciding you’re not a good fit, and there’s no onus on them to provide evidence that you’ve done something wrong. Or as Hirono told MSNBC, “Look, we’re not in a court of law. We’re actually in a court of credibility at this point.”

    Even when you’re up for a seat on the highest court in the land, you simply can’t expect the protections granted by the justice system, because a confirmation hearing is not a legal venue. The presumption of innocence, which places the burden of proving guilt on an accuser, applies only to state actors like prosecutors, not in the employment context.

    This post was edited by tom jackson at October 3, 2018 2:37 AM MDT
      October 2, 2018 12:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for bringing that to my attention tom. I appreciate it. It was quite interesting. Folks conflate things all the time. I think their brains are wired differently than yours or mine or others out there. Being asked questions during a criminal investigation is quite different than being asked questions during a job interview. The pompous folks who cannot differentiate between the two are the ones who are most assured of making fools of themselves. How do you reconcile the vast difference between those who live in the real world and those whose world consists of what super don says it does? SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
      October 3, 2018 2:40 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Figured you might like it.

    I was responding to a Facebook post. (I go there about once a month---my kids all have accounts.) Senator Mazie Hirono was quoted as saying Kavanaugh wasn't entitled to due process---which he is not.

    There were a number of posts from some people I used to work with that exhibited an almost incredible ignorance of the issue at hand.

    I simply couldn't let that level of ignorance go unchallenged.
      October 3, 2018 3:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I agree with thee tom...about the level  of ignorance and the number of people who wallow in it. It is mind-bending and upending and ubiquitous. Trying to fight it is a thankless job. There was a show on radio many decades ago with actor William Bendix called "The Life of Riley". He was famous for a line that was used in each show. "My head is made up. Don't confuse me with facts". I don't know if that is verbatim because I was a kid and my memory may be faulty but that was the gist of it. These folks block out any attempt at being confronted with facts. They reject them out of hand because their heads are made up and that's that! It is best exhibited on Fox&Friends of course. In living color you can see/hear it   aily. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. It's a losing battle I fear but we have to keep fighting anyway. Right? Happy Thursday! :)
      October 4, 2018 2:57 AM MDT