I have no patience for such folks L. None. So I go out of my way to never be in their company if at all possible. I don't like to be unkind but I tire quickly of the "woe is me" sameoldsameoldsameold. Thank you for your reply! :)
You are a very puzzling person. This reply versus some of the others you give makes me think you are bifurcated. One version of you is thoughtful civil and shares views in a pleasant cordial manner.This you is clearly annoyed by the question so why go out of your way to be annoyed? Why not simply ignore questions that make this side of you come out? Just wonderin'. I don't understand your first sentence at all. Your second one? Well I'm not gonna lie. "Goodness get a life for God's sake". You know zero about me yet you assume I have no life? Ah. I shall ask a question about that. Thanks
Dear Rosie , I am sorry for the misunderstanding and I guess you have had enough criticism from me over the years you assume it was meant as such. But really I was addressing that comment to the kind of men you call "needy" who seem unable to do anything without asking if it is alright or if I am OK with it. I believe that men should have their own lives they are sufficiently absorbed by and contented with and they should not look to us for a life. So that is what I would say in general to needy insecure men. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Donna