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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some jobs are thankless. You never get credit for doing them. But do them some must. Being a member of the GRAMMAR SQUAD is such a job. R U?

Some jobs are thankless. You never get credit for doing them. But do them some must. Being a member of the GRAMMAR SQUAD is such a job. R U?

They are all unheralded HEROES forcing us to punctuate properly and spell properly and use words properly no matter how many slings and arrows they are greeted with they carry on. Through snow and sleet and hurricanes and tornadoes and Tsunamis and earthquakes and fires and floods and mudslides and extremes of heat and cold they carry on and carry on and carry on. There should be an award for their bravery in the face of constant condemnation. What award would be suitable?

Posted - October 5, 2018


  • 6098
    We all do or express things we deem to be important.  Good grammar helps us express ourselves more easily and more concisely.  But. like good manners, it is a personal choice which some choose not to make.  Perhaps because they are not the least interested in it.  So that is their business and we can exclude them or criticize or even correct them (sometimes incorrectly!) all we want but I think as people nonetheless we must a accept them.  Because after all they might have their avenues of interest in which they find us wanting!  As to a reward - I think virtue rewards itself. 
      October 5, 2018 5:25 AM MDT

  • 53685

      No one is "forced" to do anything. Case in point, some people post their opinions (and their false premises) as if others are expected to follow along blindly. Thats just whack, yo. 

      October 5, 2018 5:26 AM MDT

  • 10795
    Some people are what are known as "grammar nazis".  They believe its their "civic duty" to correct other people's spelling and punctuation.   They exist on every social media of forum site out there.   While some find these people to be very annoying, they do serve a purpose.  With the rise of electronic devices, many people are coming to rely on spell and grammar checks.  Others are simply lazy (thus the rise of acronyms).  Schools also don't teach as much grammar and spelling anymore, but allow (encourage?) students to rely on these electronic spell/grammar checks.  The problem is, these devices aren't perfect. 
      October 5, 2018 11:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You fail to take into account those of us who KNOW what is proper and choose to ignore it for whatever reason! That would be moi. I make up my own words. I choose to spell existing words in an unorthodox manner. I think STOOPID is far more effective and eye-catching than stupid. I think language is alive and thrives on people using it to its best advantage. Which is not being strictly by the book with a steel rod up your a** waiting to pounce on someone whose views do not match yours grammatically speaking. SIGH. It is a losing battle but fight it I must. The Grammar Squad gang does nothing for me. They wish to prove how smart they are and how dumb you are for not staying within the lines. I think they should find something that is useful and worthwhile and get off the backs of others. Find something all their own and stop riding on the coattails of other people's creations. Harsh? Whatever. It is what I think and believe and feel and as an ENGLISH MAJOR I believe I must needs speak up for freedom of expression. Also people are not perfect. So what? WE MAKE MISTAKES! GET OVER IT!  They sure as hell don't need someone lying in wait hoping against hope they will make a mistake so they can swoop in and show off by excoriating eviscerating such person just to make themselves look ever so much smarter. Sheesh. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Different strokes for different folks. An internet social site is not an office or a publishing firm or school. If they are so needy of correcting errors let them get paid for it by getting job as a proofreader. It takes no creativity, imagination or inventiveness. It just takes correcting the mistakes of those who actually do something. Okay. Enuff.  :( This post was edited by RosieG at October 5, 2018 2:25 PM MDT
      October 5, 2018 12:11 PM MDT

  • 53685

      (anymore any more)
      October 5, 2018 1:21 PM MDT

  • 10795
    I know how it's supposed to be spelled, and YOU know how it's supposed to be spelled, but Chrome's spell check insists otherwise.  Now the people at Google are supposed to be very intelligent, and, well, I'm just a ol' backwoods country hick.  Who am I to argue with the almighty Google? (all hail the great Google)  Perhaps we're the ones who are wrong.

    (Psst... never offend the mighty omnipresent Google.  They know all (google search) and see all (google earth).  If you offend them they'll crash a self-driving car into your house.)
      October 5, 2018 2:38 PM MDT

  • 53685

      There's something to be said about folks who rely on things like SpellHeck and AutoInCorrect, and it's not very good.

      October 5, 2018 11:29 PM MDT