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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Doesn't losing control due to anger show whom you really are no matter what the reason for it? If it happens isn't it likely to rehappen?

Doesn't losing control due to anger show whom you really are no matter what the reason for it? If it happens isn't it likely to rehappen?

How can you ever trust someone like that to not ever do it again?

Posted - October 5, 2018


  • There are times when anger is the appropriate response. There is a time when anger is needful and beneficial. Jesus Christ was the perfect man. He became angry, yet didn't sin. I really fear anybody that doesn't become angry in the face lies and injustice. 
      October 5, 2018 10:37 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Hopefully that is not who you "really" are but just a part of who you are.  But who wants to have to live in fear of such an outburst?  And yes statistics show that if someone is unable to control themselves then they will repeat the same if they think there is something to gain for themselves by doing it.  Like feeling most powerful by terrorizing others.  Which is why we need to be very careful who we choose to allow to be close to us. 
      October 5, 2018 12:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Exactly. I've never been struck BUT once I had someone pick up a large free-form ceramic candy dish and smash it to the ground. Into smithereens in fact! That really scared me.  I thought I'd be next but nothing more happened. Just that one outburst of fury really took me aback and shocked me. That was a husband whom I divorced and I cannot remember what we were even taking about. I'd never had anyone lose control like that. I cannot imagine what it would be like to live like that only to also be physically abused as well. Living in fear of what someone might does that affect children? How can any parent allow a child to witness that and stay? I do not get it.  I did slap a date once.  I saw it in a movie and thought it would be very dramatic. One of the more stupid things I did when I was younger. He just looked at me and said if I ever did that again he would slap me back. I never did. Violence can certainly be a two-way street and a woman has no more "right" to be violent than a man. Boy that was a super long time ago memory.  I felt lucky then that he didn't just slap me back! Thank you for your reply og!  :)
      October 6, 2018 8:25 AM MDT