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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So ya got this guy who beats the crap outta ya and then tells you he is a kind and gentle man and will never do it again. Really?

So ya got this guy who beats the crap outta ya and then tells you he is a kind and gentle man and will never do it again. Really?

Do you believe him and give more chances until he literally kills you?

Posted - October 6, 2018


  • 14
    I think abusive relationships are often a betrayal of character that they originally fall for but later find out the real them. It's like a addiction of a drug that is bad for you but in a psychical from. 
      October 6, 2018 3:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I wonder why once is not enough? Why do they keep believing a proven liar who keeps "forgetting" and promises it will never happen again but it always does? It isn't only physically abusive relationships. There are  mentally and emotionally abusive relationships. Also I expect "spiritually" though some don't believe in such things. Once burned twice shy. Why would you keep throwing yourself into the fire knowing you're gonna burned, figuratively speaking? I don't get it. Thank you for your reply Ryozo!  :)
      October 6, 2018 4:35 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I only had one of those and he never promised to do better.  They tell you that things would be much harder for you in the "big wide world" but I never found that was true nor have I since.  What you get into is blaming yourself and wondering what you did wrong that made it go so bad.  Which there is no answer to because you did not so anything wrong.  Of course I didn't realize that until I got away from him.  Actually he dumped me which was the best thing for me ever.   Some, or more than just some,  men will try and control you to feel more powerful themselves and try to keep you away from others so you will become more dependent upon them - for the same reason.  Don't buy into it because then they will only despise you for being so dependent and resent you even more.  Previously on this site as well as another site I have listed the initial warning signs in controlling men to look for. 
      October 6, 2018 5:48 AM MDT