There can and often is a huge cost to such a person. Is it always worth it no matter the cost of doing the right thing? Thank you for your reply RA and Happy Sunday! :)
It's a braver thing to do the right thing no matter what.
When it comes to doing the right thing, too many people don't what to get involved, or they'd prefer to let someone else do it. They're either afraid or lazy. Doing the right thing might inconvenience them, or it might cost them in some way (monetarily, socially, time, and such). Doing the right thing might mean enduring unwanted consequences (loss of prestige, loss of a job, loss of a friend, etc.). So instead of doing what they know to be right, they'd rather play it sake by keeping their mouth shut and minding their own business. "Don't make waves." When one knows the "right thing" to do and fails/refuses to do it, not only are they a coward, but they are also condoning the wrong.
There is always a huge price to pay for doing the right thing. Someone isn't gonna like it and punish you for it Shuhak. Is the price always worth it? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply! :)
That's the question each person must ask themselves - am I willing to accept the consequences - good or bad - for doing what I know to be the right thing. Whether that consequence is praise or criticism; reward or affliction. If doing the right thing always resulted in good consequences, more people would step up and do it. Unfortunately, that's not how it always works. It's easy to say you'd always do the right thing, but when push comes to shove, it can be hard. But then again, there are also consequences for NOT doing the right thing as well (good and/or bad).
What is boils down to is selfishness. To those who think: "If doing the right thing might hurt me in ANY way, I'm not going to do it. If I can get something out of it that benefits me, them I might do it - depending on the odds of that happening. Who cares how it might affect other people." Doing the right thing will always be questionable. To those who think: "I must stand up for what is right even though it may cost me dearly", doing the right thing is a no brainer". These folks in the second list stand out like a sore thumb in society. We occasionally see them in the news (heros?), but usually they go unsung. To them it isn't about a change of receiving praise, it's just the right thing to do. Period.