Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Some say "the body is a temple". There are folks who crap theirs up with junk intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually. WHY?
I suggest apathy, laziness, ignorance and stupidity all play a role in not practicing proper basic care of oneself.
I don’t limit all possible excuses to these. Personal impairments, bare survival situations and poor training (enforced ignorance) are possible as well.
Would not having good role models be a cause? Of course it all boils down to what matters and doesn't matter to us? Who determines that DB? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
I read something once the truth of which I'm not sure. It is that babies who are not cuddled regularly as infants grow up to be sociopaths. They need the affection and comfort of being cuddled to develop as healthy human beings. It is urgently essential at the early stages of life and I'm not when, if ever, that need goes away. Which brings me to all those children still separated from their parents for so long. They have missed the close loving and comfort of body contact and I wonder if being hugged by strangers after they're a certain age matters? Thank you for your reply! :)
Why would I care about temples? Which I just see as external and unnecessary symbols of religious thought. I take care of myself in order to live a better and more abundant life for myself as well as others. In the ways I have learned to. Mostly diet and exercise, fresh air and sound sleep, and activity physical and mental. I don't consume pizza and hamburgers and ice cream, sugared drinks, candy, drugs etc. ( But God bless those who do). I cook simply and naturally and using good quality ingredients for myself and my husband and sometimes out guests. I know I am limited intellectually in that there are many things I have tried to understand but have been unable to. So that is a matter of making the most of what I have within my limitations. Which I guess you could say about everything! I came to be reborn a Christian which very much informs how I conduct much of my life. I read and study The Bible to try and gain proper understanding.
This post was edited by officegirl at October 7, 2018 6:43 AM MDT
“Temple” is a metaphor. You say you read the Bible, you should know what metaphors are. BTW, The Bible is an exceedingly poor instruction manual of how to care for oneself.
The Old Testament temple at Jerusalem was not a metaphor but did exist. The Bible focuses more on caring for one another because the assumption there is that we will automatically care for ourselves.
The point is that for me "temple" is not meaningful as a metaphor. I am not discussing metaphors but religious actualities. The content of your third sentence we have discussed online here before and I stand by what I have previously told you.
It's simply an expression og. Just as is "the eyes are the windows to the soul". Just an expression. Whether it resonates with you or not doesn't matter at all. One can express things in very direct mundane simple ways or one can do so poetically. I love words and poetry and I think saying our bodies are "temples" is very poetic. Eyes being the window to the soul is poetic. You may not appreciate poetry but some folks do and I am one of them. Do you remember George Bush saying he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul? That was ridiculous and ludicrous and Bush will never live that down. Different strokes og. What works for me may not work for thee. It doesn't have to. You say your thing and I say mine and hopefully we understand each other and then move on.. Thank you for your reply.
A "temple" connotes to me ritual and priests and hierarchs and incense and icons and atoning sacrifices and money changers and the like - none of which has, for me, any positive religious value. All schtick and no substance.
Not sure which Bush you are taking about. I voted for the second on his second term, the father I did not vote for. But are they not allowed to be poetic if they choose to be? As well as anyone else?
Not George H.W. Bush. It was George W. Bush upon his meeting with Putin. You are serious about this question you ask of me? Are you familiar with how evil Putin is? He was head the KGB. He kills or has others kill journalilsts and dissidents who disagree with him. He is an evil man. That is not just my saying it. To have anyone, let alone an American President. say that about anyone is shocking to me. If it doesn't shock thee so be it. There is a time and place for poetry og. When super don says he and Kim Jun ung "fell in love" I think that is quite disturbing and disgusting frankly. Kim might well be the most despotic evil dictator that has ever existed. So you think it's ok and I don't. So what? What I think and what you think doesn't matter to any of them. I think your defending Bush is interesting and unsuitable but it happens a lot. All trumpicans defend super don no matter what he does or says. Okey dokey. I beat that horse to death. Thank you for your reply. There are things that I think are appropriate and seemly. There are other things I think are not. You and I may disagree on the propriety or seemliness of something. How does that matter at all?
This post was edited by RosieG at October 7, 2018 7:28 AM MDT
I don't choose to focus on how "evil" I think any particular person is. We are all capable of evil which I think is simple self-centeredness. Who knows but Putin may enjoy poetry as much as one Bush or the other? My understanding of diplomacy is that we need to get along with others - whether politically or personally. We try to get on with others in whatever ways we can. That is being practical to me. Otherwise we can only destroy one another.