Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What or who determines what matters to you and what doesn't? Parents, teachers, siblings, friends, society, religion, politics?

What or who determines what matters to you and what doesn't? Parents, teachers, siblings, friends, society, religion, politics?

How much of YOU is in control of what you believe? Are you a strong and independent thinker or do you rely on the existing dogma/script given you by others and you commit to that without ever thinking twice about it? Are you an energetic independent or lazy predictable "thinker"? Do you think/believe what everyone else does in your group or are you a maverick who goes off on a different path to investigate what's there because you want to know if it could be better than what you've been told?

Posted - October 7, 2018


  • 6098
    We all imbibe the culture we have grown up in to a greater or lesser extent.  Including shared values, what we have learned from our parents, teachers, the media, books, etc.  Some of which we may take exception to and go our own ways or develop ways which work better for us.  I left home at 17 because I was not comfortable with what I saw as my prospects based on how I grew up which very much had to do with being beautiful and successful and knowing and impressing the right people.  I have my life to lead which includes work charitable, family,  and social aspects that don't leave me much time for just thinking abstractly.  So I base my thinking and how I live my life on what makes sense to me that can be applied to all people.  Really there is nothing completely "independent" under the sun and we are all dependent upon one another whether we choose to buy into that fact or not.  The great "thinking" I leave to the thinkers who want to wrestle with such things - I more operate on a practical level, on what works or not and what is feasible. 
      October 7, 2018 6:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    There is nothing wrong with being practical og. As a child my favorite literary genre was Fairy Tales. I exhausted the library's selection. I read all of them including the ones translated from Russian and Chinese and Japanese and you name it. I read it. I was fascinated by mythology as well. As an adult my favorite literary genre is science fiction and had I been smart enough I would have loved to have been a quantum physicist. They deal with black holes and entanglement and wormholes and time travel. I love fantasy. I love creativity, imagination and inventiveness. I love minds that can go in many directions, most of which no one else has gone. I think of that genius Robin Williams.  I am also practical. I am a retired Internal Auditor. There is nothing more practical or real-world than earning your living by making sense of numbers. I have enjoyed the best of both worlds. That makes me very happy. I  love to have folks follow me where my mind takes me. Not everyone is like that. I have a very brilliant Answermug friend who is not a fan of fantasy or WHAT IF? It is not his cuppa tea which is alright with me. He lives in a world of facts and proof and truth and tangibles.There is nothing wrong with doing so. I can appreciate both. I just favor the intangible, abstract, WHAT If! Thank you for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at October 7, 2018 9:57 AM MDT
      October 7, 2018 7:02 AM MDT