"Junk in junk out". That pertains to computers. But doesn't it pertain to everything?
Is the truth, validity, quality of the result entirely dependent on how you reach it? Of course it is. It is just logical and not magic or fake. You cannot escape it. Can you?
C'mon Ele. You've known me how many years by now? You can't make a statement like that without telling me WHYyou disagree with it. If you make a dish made of swill do you really think it will be the best thing you've ever eaten? So WHY do you disagree with junk in junk out or as another respondent says garbage in garbage out please and thank you! :)
Junk in...Art out. You've known me for many years and know how I answer...literally.
This post was edited by Element 99 at October 7, 2018 12:53 PM MDT
OK. Now I'm really confused. The question IS LITERAL not figurative or imaginative or inventive or a WHAT IF. I didn't see that "person" as art. I guess one has to have an artistic eye to do so? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply.
GIGO - an acronym used by computer programmers and mathematicians alike.
GIGO means - Garbage In Garbage Out. In other words the quality of the output is determined by the quality of the input. If one inputs flawed data the results will be flawed as well. For example: If one wanted to calculate how many weeks there were in a given year but omitted the month of June, their findings would be incorrect (flawed). The concept of GIO isn't limited to math and computers, it works for life as well (although many will argue against it). The human mind is a fantastic computer. However, what goes into it doesnt come back data, it comes back as speech and actions. If what goes into it is flawed (misinformation) then that's what comes back out. If what's put into it is "dark" (violence, hatred), then that's what comes back out. Everyone knows that watching disturbing movies before going to bed can result in bad dreams. What went in is coming back out. The movies/TV we watch, the books we read, the things we hear, the people associate with, even the job we go to day after day, all go into our brains and have an affect on what we say and do - for good or bad. If we put garbage into our minds, then garbage is what will come back out.
Of course I totally and completely agree with thee. It doesn't take a genius brain to figure that out. A house will only be as strong and lasting as the quality of the materials to build it. If you are programmed to hate with hate speech surrounding you when you are young you will hate those whom your parents hate. Escaping it would be possible but quite miraculous. Filling your mind with scenes of torture and murder and terror and violence may give you an immediate thrill but after that what's left? Probably less than you came in with because I think filling your mind with crap eats away at it slowly by slowly. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Shuhak! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 7, 2018 1:54 PM MDT