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See hear smell touch taste. Five senses. Didja know there are more?

The "6th" sense refers to extra-sensory perception

The SEVEN senses are the well-known five plus proprioception and vestibular sensation.

The NINE senses are the well-known five plus  heat/cold, pain, balance, body awareness.

There are also 21 and I expect many more beyond that. But we always rely on the five and stop there unaware of what lies above and beyond. Why?

Posted - October 8, 2018


  • D&D

    My proprioception is real bad, as with vestibular system. I frequently surprise myself when I can reach something without walking to get it, or feel the staircase has too small of steps and I cannot work out how much to extend and overextend (that makes sense?). Basically have not much fine-tuned  awareness control of my limbs.

    And I cannot even stand on one foot with my eyes close without falling over. This post was edited by D&D at October 10, 2018 7:42 PM MDT
      October 8, 2018 5:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Goodness me D & D have you always been that way? It sounds dangerous for you m'dear. I have noticed as I'm aging that my balance is not as good as it used to be. I have to very careful and purposeful in how I move around. I had Otosclerosis years ago. I had an operation about 35 years ago at the House Institute in Los Angeles. It world-reknowned. You may have heard of it? The stapes was rigid and so 90% of my hearing was gone in my right ear. It was removed and replaced with a wire. I have been wired ever since and hear very well in that ear. The left ear is also afflicted with Otosclerosis but I don't need bionic hearing in both ears! I put my "good ear" down at night and sleep peacefully. So your sense of how much space you occupy is a bit off then? I've had several eye surgeries and so my depth perception is not as acute as it used to be. I try to make allowance for it but it's mostly guessing. Thank you for your reply and most especially for your interest in something that is esoteric. I appreciate the company. Thank you for your reply D & D! :)
      October 9, 2018 5:00 AM MDT

  • 682
    I have never heard of the hospital before now. I may have been introduced about such topic in my tertiary education and knew a tiny bit about senses than your average person. Once I knew, I realised the 'five senses' we were taught in school was lacking.

    As for otosclerosis, did you know oto: indicates ear and sclerosis: indicates harderning? I was vageuly familiar with the latter in several medical condition but this is also the first of me hearing about the stapes hardening! I had known about age and noise related deafening (irreversible sadly). It bothers me that people care very little about noise pollution.

    I'm afraid I have always been somewhat unsteady on feet. As for depth perception, I have trouble knowing when to turn when driving because I can't always tell how far the opposing cars are or the speed they are driven at. But this is estimating speed more than depth, I reckon. I am also half blind without my specks. This post was edited by D&D at October 11, 2018 3:42 AM MDT
      October 10, 2018 8:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Yes I know what oto and sclerosis mean since I suffered with it D & D. Just as I know what cancer is because I experienced that too. You get to be pretty expert with things you experience or that your loved ones experience. I always Google a new "condition" and investigate so I know what I'm dealing with or a loved one is dealing with. I think that's a normal and natural thing to do. At least t'is so for me. I have an intraocular lens implant in one eye because I had a torn retina. I have a card I carry in my wallet dated May 7, 1997 from Chiron Vision. It says "Patient Lens Implant Identification Card". My implant has a number apparently and it's registered somewhere so if I'm in an accident the medical folks will know about it. I read unaided with glasses and I can watch TV without glasses but my driver's license is restricted and I must wear glasses when I drive which is rare. Jim does most of the driving now. We were in a terrible car accident in 2004 that should have terminated our lives but didn't. Jim was asleep and I was driving. Ever since then driving isn't my favorite thing to do though I will drive if I must. As we age things change. As long as you know your limitations and don't attempt to do things you shouldn't most of the time we can avoid getting into trouble. There are always exceptions of course. Thank you for your thoughtful reply D & D! This post was edited by RosieG at October 11, 2018 4:00 AM MDT
      October 11, 2018 3:53 AM MDT