For me having others like me has been very much an important part of liking myself. There are things I don't like about myself and I know many others do not so much care for them either. But the fact that some people are willing to like me just for who I am, as imperfect as that is, makes me feel a lot better about myself.
In other words you are unable to answer my question og. Okey dokey. It is a choice I have asked you to make and you cannot. You are not alone. Many folks feels as you do. No problemo.
I don't know - perhaps you were looking for a different answer but I thought I did answer as honestly as I can. They are not separate for me. It is not an either - or for me. What value do I have as a human being if I have no value to other human beings? And how we develop in life is very much related to the kind of positive feedback we are able to draw from others. We don't all operate in entirely separate vacuums. I believe we are all joined and part of the same whole and that we should be responsible to one another. This is what real love in the Biblical sense is.